Monday, January 24, 2022

Why am I a Journalism Major?

 It was the summer going into fifth grade and I had just gone school supply shopping. I wanted to show everyone what I had got. I remember grabbing my 4th generation iPad and setting up the camera. I hit the record button. At the time, I had no clue what I was getting myself into but I knew that I loved it. 

A few years later, in seventh grade. I was redoing my room and I decided that while my room was all empty, I wanted to film a gymnastics video. The back handspring did not go the way I wanted, but I thought it was so funny, so I decided that I wanted to post it to YouTube. Within an hour, the video, made by a twelve year old, got over 100 views. I was so happy. 

Over the next few years I had an on again off again relationship with YouTube. I would get burst of motivation to keep going but it didn't last long. So I stopped. Fast forward to summer going into junior year of high school. I was going on a trip to Aruba with my best friends and my family. I decided that I wanted to make a video of our entire trip. I filmed everyday for those ten days and I love it. Editing the video after was so cool too. It relaxed me. The most rewarding feeling was watching the video back and seeing how much fun we all had. 

When it came to junior year, I had absolutely no clue what I wanted to major in. I didn't thin that anything had interested me. Honestly, I didn't even realize communications was a thing. 

I was up in Maine with my mom and dad and they were trying to help me think of options. I said to my dad "I would love to do something with tv and maybe even be on tv", he said back to me"would you want to be a weather correspondent", that idea did not thrill me, but then as the conversation continued I decided that I have always loved writing stories, and then obviously doing YouTube, so I knew that communications was something I was definitely interested. I just had to figure out what specific aspect I wanted to do.

When it came the time to apply to colleges, and I had to choose my major, something came over me. I knew that I didn't want to just major in something like strategic communication, or advertising. I realized that I wanted to be a reporter, either print or broadcast and that in order to become a reporter of some sort I wanted to and had to major in journalism. That's where everything fell into place. 


 On July 12, 2007, two U.S, AH-64 Apache helicopters in Al-Amin al-Thaniyah, New Bagdad conducted an attack known as the Bagdad airstrike af...